
PHA hosts five standing committees throughout the year: Executive, Public Policy, Education, Finance and Workforce Development. These committees play pivotal roles in shaping advocacy initiatives, supporting legislative efforts, and identifying training needs for our members. Explore each of our committees below to learn more about their goals, activities, and how you can maximize your membership by joining one (or more) today.

  • Education

    The Education Committee plays a crucial role in ensuring the association delivers relevant and impactful educational content that advances the industry. Meeting quarterly, members provide strategic input for planning the Annual Conference and selecting year-round educational topics that address current challenges and advancements in home-based care. Members of the education committee actively contribute to professional development within the industry.

    Staff Liaison: Jill Senior

  • Executive

    The executive committee oversees and manages the association’s operations and strategic direction. This committee always has key officers of the Board including the president, president-elect, treasurer, and secretary. Their responsibilities include making high-level decisions, setting policies, ensuring the association’s goals are met, and representing the interests of the association’s members.

  • Finance

    The Finance Committee acts as a steward of the association’s financial health, ensuring that resources are used effectively and transparently to achieve the association’s mission and goals.  The Finance Committee specifically addresses budgeting, financial planning, financial reporting, internal controls, investment management, revenue generation and collaboration with external auditors.

    Staff Liaison: Michaelene Licht

  • Public Policy

    The Public Policy Committee serves as the flagship committee within PHA, meeting monthly to stay abreast of legislative and policy developments. It plays a pivotal role in shaping the association’s legislative priorities, providing strategic input that influences advocacy efforts. PHA relies on this committee to drive advocacy initiatives, leveraging its insights and recommendations to mobilize members for impactful advocacy actions.

    Staff Liaison: Alex McMahon

  • Workforce Development

    The newly formed Workforce Development Committee is dedicated to addressing workforce shortages in home-based care by leading initiatives that promote career pipelines and advancement opportunities. Committee members will strategically engage in networking and stakeholder interactions to foster new avenues for home-based care workers. Moreover, they will educate the community about the roles and potential of careers in home-based care across Pennsylvania, advocating for increased resources and support to strengthen the workforce in this vital sector.

    Staff Liaison: Becky Jacobs

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