Take Action

Advocating for home-based care is as easy as sharing your story. This toolkit provides action items, talking points, and additional resources to make advocating for home-based care quick, simple, and impactful. The success of our advocacy efforts depends on your support. Together, we can effect positive change for providers, caregivers, patients, and consumers! 

Find Your Elected Officials

Find your elected officials, access their contact information, and learn about their background and key issues.

Get Started

Email Your Legislators

Send a prepared email or draft your own in just a few clicks and let your voice be heard.

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Schedule a District Meeting

Schedule in-district meetings to strengthen your relationships with your elected officials.

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Contribute to HomePAC

Support candidates for office who support home-based care.

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Share Your Mission Moment

Share your Mission Moment to add a personal touch and emphasize the impact of our issues.

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Contact Local Media

Tell your story to local news outlets to raise public awareness and influence policymakers.

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Share the Message on Social

Like and share PHA’s social media posts that highlight our advocacy efforts, and create your own posts to show your support.

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