
MB Healthcare Consultants, LLC offers home care consulting services to PHA members at a 10% discount from standard fees. Services are based on three things: People, Process, and Performance. Visit www.mbhealthcareconsultants.com for…

On Thursday, April 25, Mia Haney, Alex McMahon, and Kim Whetsell recapped industry news and PHA updates in our members-only Quick Hits webinar. Information covered included PHA’s Advocacy Day, a…

The CMS final rule entitled, “Ensuring Access to Medicaid Services,” proposed to address key issues in Medicaid services, was issued this week. PHA issued a statement and is working diligently to review…

Last Tuesday, April 23, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued a final rule banning noncompetes nationwide purporting that this effort protects the fundamental freedom of workers to change jobs, increases innovation, and…

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) and the Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services have posted its Positive Approaches Journal. The first issue of the Positive Approaches Journal was…

During the April 24 MAAC Consumer Subcommittee meeting the process for the PAS Direct Care Worker Rate Study was discussed. DHS indicated that they will start with the development assumptions…

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has issued Change Request 14543, addressing critical aspects of home health care reporting, including county codes, notice of admission exceptions, telehealth service reporting,…

The April 2024 quarterly refresh for the Home Health Quality Reporting Program is now available on Care Compare. For this refresh, Home Health (HH) Outcome and Assessment Information Set (OASIS) will…

The Pennsylvania Home Care Association is happy to provide a member benefit from our partners from DynamedDevices. DynaMed, Inc. is a national distributor for Stability Biologics. DynaMed offers access to…

Over 100 home care, home health, and hospice advocates, including representatives and members of PHA, came to Washington, D.C. April 16 and 17 to make the case for expanded access…

ODP’s 24-035 announcement reminds providers must update their contact and service delivery information in the Home and Community Services Information System (HCSIS) and PROMISe before July 1, 2024, to ensure the transfer…

Last month Representatives Jessica Benham (D-Allegheny) and Jason Ortitay (R-Allegheny, Washington) issued a co-sponsorship memorandum titled “Agency Accountability and Livable Wages for PA’s Home Care Workers.” While the memo included…

An updated HIS Manual V3.02 is now available. The updates include an extension of the documents expiration date and several minor edits and date corrections. Updated documents include the HIS…

At the Long-Term Services & Supports (LTSS) Medical Assistance Advisory Committee meeting this week, the three CHC Managed Care Organizations presented information about their Participant Advisory Committee (PAC) Meetings. These…

Kaiser Foundation Health Plan and Hospitals, which make up the insurance and facilities half of Kaiser Permanente, announced the acquisition of Geisinger, a Pennsylvania-based health system and a Managed Care…

PHA’s Annual Membership Meeting will be held on Friday, May 17, 2024, from 8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. at Kalahari Resorts in the Pocono Mountains. All members are invited to…

At the March Medical Assistance Advisory Committee, the Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) presented their proposed Fiscal Year 2024–2025 budget, which included modest increases in utilization and cost of care…

At the March Medical Assistance Advisory Committee, the Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) was asked to comment on the rate study proposed in the governor’s budget. The rate study will…

PHA frequently hears from members who are supporting veterans who aren’t aware of the benefits they may be eligible for. You can support your patients and their spouses to access…

Recently, Representatives Jessica Benham (D-Allegheny) and Jason Ortitay (R-Allegheny, Washington) released a co-sponsorship memorandum titled “Agency Accountability and Livable Wages for PA’s Home Care Workers.” Unfortunately, this memorandum included unfounded…

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