Hear what PHA Members have to say.

  • "I have loved every minute of being part of this wonderful association (13 years)! Members definitely get their monies worth with PHA!"
    P.L. - President/Owner (retired)

  • "(PHA) membership is worth it's weight in gold!"
    I.K. - Executive Director

  • "I am a member of the PHA because it connects me with invaluable resources and connections to other Home Care professionals. As an association, we can work in solidarity with making real change happen for our consumers, caregivers and the home care industry."
    J.N. - Director of Home Care Services

  • "Our organization has been a member of the Pennsylvania Homecare Association (PHA) for decades. The benefits of membership are enormous and extremely valuable to us. From education, to collaboration, to advocacy in Harrisburg, PHA never disappoints. In an industry that is all about caring for vulnerable populations in the home and community, PHA is our vital link to educating our teams, collectively expressing our views on legislation to CMS and the PA DOH, and endlessly supporting our organization in so many other ways. Without fail and on a daily basis, PHA connects, collaborates, advocates for, and supports the homecare, hospice, and home health providers of Pennsylvania."
    L.G. - President, Immediate Past President of PHA Board

  • "I became a member of PHA when I started my homecare business. They were very helpful in navigating me through Pennsylvania regulations and the interpretations of all the regulations. That was in 2012 and I have remained a member ever since. The programs and conferences they hold are phenomenal! The staff works very hard for their members and are always there if you have a question."
    M.L. - CEO/Owner

  • "PHA is a resource my home care company will not be without. I especially LOVE the weekly Connections email...you will not find a bigger bang for your membership. I truly appreciate PHA and their staff immensely."
    L.G. - President

  • "I have yet to be disappointed in any PHA meeting or conference. You are such a great resource to us all."

  • "The binders are always extremely helpful. I always know I will walk out of the PHA (Regional) meeting with a handful of great resources to guide my focus on compliance in the next year."



Share Your Testimonial with Us to...

  • Inspire Others: Your story can motivate and encourage fellow direct care workers and remind them they are surrounded by a vibrant support community. 

  • Raise Awareness: Help us spread the word about the importance of direct care work and the role PHA plays in supporting you. It is only because of our incredible membership who fuel PHA’s mission that we can continue providing excellent support and advocacy for our industry 

  • Advocate for Change: Your testimonial can be a powerful tool in advocating for better resources, training, and support for direct care workers. PHA represents nearly 700 home health, hospice, and homecare agencies, and serves as our members' voice at the table with state and federal policymakers so you can influence policies that matter. 


How to Participate 

  1. Written Testimonial: Share your thoughts on why PHA is important to you and how it adds value to your work/life. Discuss specific ways PHA has supported or impacted your professional life or the lives of those you serve. 

  1. Video Testimonial: Record a short video (30 seconds to 1 minute) sharing your experiences with PHA. Speak from the heart about what PHA means to you and the difference it has made. 

How to Submit

Written Testimonials: Click here to complete.

Video Testimonials: Record your selfie and upload it to our Dropbox account.

Tips for a Great Testimonial 

  1. Length: Aim for 30-60 seconds to keep it concise and impactful. 

  1. Tone: Be sincere and heartfelt. Speak naturally, as if you’re talking to a friend. 

  1. Content: 

  • Start with a brief introduction (your name and role). 

  • Highlight a specific benefit or experience with PHA. 

  • Express gratitude and explain why PHA is important to you. 

  1. Pacing: Speak slowly and clearly to ensure your message is understood.